This data is provided by the Colorado Department of Local Affairs and the Colorado Municipal League
The creator (DOLA) and contributors to this project do not guarantee the accuracy of any information presented, are not liable for any errors or omissions and are not responsible for determining fitness for use, either in this map or in its associated data. This data should not be considered an authoritative source of information.
Bootleaf Template developed by Bryan McBride. (Bootleaf Github). License: MIT
Leaflet created by Vladimir Agafonkin. (Leaflet Github). License
JQuery created by jQuery Foundation. (JQuery Github). License
Bootstrap created by Twitter. (Bootstrap Github). License: MIT
Mapbox.js created by Mapbox. (Mapbox.js Github). License
Typeahead created by Twitter. (Typeahead Github). License
Leaflet Locate Control created by Dominik Moritz. (Locate Control Github). License: MIT
Leaflet Grouped Layer Control created by Ishmael Smyrnow. (Grouped Layer Control Github). License: MIT
Leaflet Ajax created by Calvin Metcalf. (Leaflet Ajax Github). License
Leaflet Control Geocoder created by Per Liedman. (Leaflet Control Geocoder Github). License