Population - Population as of April 1, 2010. P0010001

Hispanic - All persons of Hispanic Origin. P0050010
White - White Population, not of Hispanic Origin. P0050003
Black - Black Population, not of Hispanic Origin. P0050004
Native American - Native American Population, not of Hispanic Origin. P0050005
Asian - Asian Population, not of Hispanic Origin. P0050006
Hawaiian / PacIs - Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Population, not of Hispanic Origin. P0050007
Other Race - Other Race, not of Hispanic Origin. P0050008
Multiple Races - Those of multiple races who were not of Hispanic Origin. P0050009

Male - The total male population. P0120002
Female - The total female population. P0120026

Age 65 or Older - The total population that was age 65 or higher. [P0120020] + [P0120021]+ [P0120022] + [P0120023] + [P0120024] + [P0120025] + [P0120044] + [P0120045] + [P0120046] + [P0120047] + [P0120048] + [P0120049]
Age Under 18 - The total population that was under 18 (0-17). [P0120003] + [P0120004] + [P0120005] + [P0120006] + [P0120027] + [P0120028] + [P0120029] + [P0120030]
Age Under 10 - The total population that was under 10 (0-9). [P0120003] + [P0120004] + [P0120027] + [P0120028]
Median Age - The median age. P0130001

Households - The total number of households. P0180001
Family Households - The total number of family households. P0180002
Householder Living Alone - The total number of households where the householder is living alone. P0180008
Avg Household Size - The average household size. P0170001
Households w/Non-Relatives - The number of households with non-relatives living together. P0270002
Avg Family Size - The average family size. P0370001

Group Quarters Population - The total population in group quarters. P0420001
Institutionalized - The total population in group quarters living in an institutional facility. P0420002
Adult Correctional Facility - The total population in group quarters living in an adult correctional facility. P0420003
Juvenile Correctional Facility - The total population in group quarterrs living in a juvenile correctional facility. P0420004
Nursing Home - The total population living in nursing homes. P0420005
Other type of facility - The total population living in any institutional facility not mentioned above. P0420006
Non-Institutionalized - The total population in group quarters living in a non-institutional facility. P0420007
College Housing - The total population living in college housing. P0420008
Military Quarters - The total population living in military quarters. P0420009
Other type of facility - The total population living in any non-institutional facility not mentioned above. P0420010

Housing Units - The total number of housing units. H0030001
Occupied Units - The total number of occupied housing units. H0030002
Vacant Units - The total number of vacant housing units. H0030003

Owner Occupied - The total number of owner-occupied housing units. [H0040002] + [H0040003]
Renter Occupied - The total number of renter-occupied housing units. H0040004

Vacant For Rent - The total number of vacant for rent housing units. H0050002
Vacant, Rented not Occupied - The total number of vacant, rented, but not occupied housing units. H0050003
Vacant For Sale - The total number of vacant for sale housing units. H0050004
Vacant, Sold not Occupied - The total number of vacant, sold, but not occupied housing units. H0050005
Vacant, Seasonal - The total number of vacant seasonal housing units. H0050006
Vacant, Migrant Worker Housing - The total number of vacant housing units for migrant workers. H0050007
Vacant for any other reason - The total number of vacant housing units that are vacant for any reason not mentioned above. H0050008